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1863 results:

International Endodontic Journal - accepted articles

International Endodontic Journal - accepted articles

International Endodontic Journal - accepted articles Excessive caffeine intake increases bone resorption associated with periapical periodontitis in rats - click here to see more  …

International Endodontic Journal - accepted articles

International Endodontic Journal - accepted articles

International Endodontic Journal - accepted articles Antimicrobial and immunomodulatory in vitro profile of double antibiotic paste - click here to see more   …

International Endodontic Journal - early view

International Endodontic Journal - early view

International Endodontic Journal - early view "Effect of Neem (Azadirachta indica) versus 2.5% sodium hypochlorite as root canal irrigants on the intensity of post‐operative pain and the amount of…

International Endodontic Journal - accepted articles

International Endodontic Journal - accepted articles

International Endodontic Journal - accepted articles The management of deep caries in UK primary care: a nationwide questionnaire‐based study - click here to see more   …

International Endodontic Journal - accepted articles

International Endodontic Journal - accepted articles

International Endodontic Journal - accepted articles "Apical pressures generated by several canal irrigation methods: a laboratory study in a maxillary central incisor with an open apex" - click here…

Journal of Endodontics: June 2021 (Volume 47, Issue 6)

Journal of Endodontics: June 2021 (Volume 47, Issue 6)

Journal of Endodontics: June 2021 (Volume 47, Issue 6) Click here to see more     …

Journal of Dental Research - New Online First Articles

Journal of Dental Research - New Online First Articles

Journal of Dental Research - New Online First Articles Click here to see more       Journal of Dental Research…

Dental Traumatology - early view

Dental Traumatology - early view

Dental Traumatology - early view Click here to see more     Dental Traumatology Early View Online Version of Record before inclusion…

International Endodontic Journal - accepted articles

International Endodontic Journal - accepted articles

International Endodontic Journal - accepted articles Click here to see more     International Endodontic Journal Accepted Articles Accepted,…

International Endodontic Journal - accepted articles

International Endodontic Journal - accepted articles

International Endodontic Journal - accepted articles Click here to see more     International Endodontic Journal Accepted Articles Accepted,…