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1863 results:

International Endodontic Journal early view 27_09_19

International Endodontic Journal early view 27_09_19 Click More to see the papers published in the International Endodontic Journal early view 27_09_19 Click More to see the papers published in the…

International Endodontic Journal early view 24_09_19

International Endodontic Journal early view 24_09_19 Click More to see the papers published in the International Endodontic Journal early view 24_09_19 Click More to see the papers published in the…

Dental Traumatology accepted 24_09_19

Dental Traumatology accepted 24_09_19 Click More to find a PDF (with clickable links) to the papers published in the Dental Traumatology accepted 24_09_19 Click More to find a PDF (with clickable…

Journal of Dental Research online 23_09_19

Journal of Dental Research online 23_09_19 Click More to see the papers published in the Journal of Dental Research online 23_09_19 Click More to see the papers published in the Journal of Dental…

Journal of Endodontics October 2019

Journal of Endodontics October 2019 Click More to find a PDF (with clickable links) to the papers published in the Journal of Endodontics October 2019 Click More to find a PDF (with clickable links)…

Journal of Dental Research October 2019

Journal of Dental Research October 2019 Click More to see the papers published in the Journal of Dental Research October 2019 Click More to see the papers published in the Journal of Dental Research…

International Endodontic Journal early view 23_09_19

International Endodontic Journal early view 23_09_19 Click More to see the papers published in the International Endodontic Journal early view 23_09_19 Click More to see the papers published in the…

Wladimir Adlivankine Research Prize 2019

Wladimir Adlivankine Research Prize 2019 ESE Vienna 2019 Wladimir Adlivankine Research Prize 2019 (€2500) awarded to Rosalie Swimberghe, Ghent University, Belgium ESE Vienna 2019 Wladimir Adlivankine…

Education Prize 2019

Education Prize 2019 ESE Vienna 2019 Education Prize 2019 (€2500) awarded to Lucia Gancedo Conservative Dentistry and Prosthetics, Faculty of Dentistry, Complutense University, Madrid, Spain ESE…

Original Scientific Research Poster Prize 2019

Original Scientific Research Poster Prize 2019 ESE Vienna 2019 Original Scientific Research Poster Prize 2019 (€250) awarded to Dan Sebring Institute of Odontology, Sahlgrenska Academy, Sweden ESE…